DECT Phones - Perfect for home-office use

The 2-line cordless phone market has introduced the first of the 2-line DECT 6.0 phones. There is no need to feel overwhelmed regarding its technological superiority. The new 2-line DECT cordless phone really isn't advanced wizardry. The telecommunications manufacturers have been really slow at bringing a home office cordless phone that provides reasonable range with minimal interference in the market. A minimal range would mean that you should have the ability to roam freely around about a 6000 plus square foot home with multiple floors. You should not have to be concerned with Wi-Fi interference or even be worried about eavesdropping.

DECT is the abbreviation for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. It is a device dedicated to enhanced voice modulation. It is a digital wireless communication technology that functions at a frequency of 1.9 GHz. It has been around for a couple of years in the United States and the technology has had a high recognition rate in Europe for over 10 years. With some searches in the World Wide Web, you will see reviews singing praises of DECT 6.0 for 1-line phones.

To DECT, it was near impossible to develop a high quality sounding 2-line phone that performed flawlessly. It had challenges to create a phone that would provide service at 100 feet of radius with no interference with other wireless devices and microwaves. If the frequency of these sets are high, like 5.8 GHZ it will provide a minimal interference line, but with a shorter physical range. As for sets with a low frequency of about 2.4 GHz, it will have a poor shield against interference but gives you a wider range.

I suggest those people planning to start a home office business to acquire a 2-line DECT
phone 6.0 and help make the experience of working at home worthwhile. With quality and precision, this device will make life much easier for everybody.

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